
Merry Christmas☆

May the Christmas season bring you joy,
Beautiful dream in the midnight sky,  
Fill your heart with love and laughter,
Spread the gladness of hope thereafter.
Happy Merry Christmas!


NYより帰国をして直ぐ、急遽カナダ大使館で開催されたTEDx AoyamaによるSpaces and Placesの撮影を行なうことになり私も参加してきました。
米国より帰国をする度、女性の立場の違いのギャップに悩まされ、自分の活動に対して理解を得られない事に寂しさを感じます。TEDx Aoyamaの会に参加をした事で、強くたくましくビジョンを持っていらっしゃる方々とお話をする事が出来、パワーと勇気を頂きました。日本は先進国とはいえ、女性に関してはまだ時代遅れだと思います。


私の作品、"Blue"と"Burinig Nou Mask"は女性がこの社会で直面する苦悩と複雑さを表現する事で、女性の性を再定義出来ればと願い制作したものです。

After returning from NY, I was invited to take photography of an event called TEDx Aoyama Spaces and Places at Canada embassy. Despite of the fact that women in modern life are known to be independent there are still prejudice and many problems against working women. Listening to the stories of Japanese married women I've noticed that many people are facing tremendous difficulties.
I think it is normal to become apprehensive to raise children in this circumstance.
Every time I return from the states I am forced to face the huge gap between two countries and I feel lonely for not being understood for what I do. Attending the TEDx Aoyama was a fortunate occurrence and being able to talk with women with strong powerful vision gave me strength to believe in myself. Japan is one of the largest developed countries, however, it is still old-fashioned towards women.

I believe the graceful and beautiful intelligence of women will lead this world with love and peace and to change this world to a place filled with hope.

My work "Blue" and "Burning Nou Mask" was to re-define the women's nature by expressing the suffering and complexity we face in this society.

TEDx Aoyama


Soho Photo Gallery New York

6th Annual Alternative processes photography competition exhibition

Cyanotype over Platinum/Palladium print
ギャラリーのお手洗い内の壁一面にぎっしりと飾られた古いポートレート写真は、且つてこの界隈にあったギャラリーがチャルシーなど他の場所へ移動して行った中、頑にも15 White Streetに残り続けた頑固なまでの深い思いを感じます。この周辺には、Meredith Monkを始め、NYのアートを作り上げた人々のスタジオが現在も残っていて、以前大きな映画の撮影も行なわれていました。何の映画だったか聞けば良かったな〜。